BEFORE ELECTION DAY: The week before...

OK, you've watched the Chiefs Briefing and picked up your election materials. What else do you need to do the week before election day?

First, both the Chief and Assistant Chief should submit their curbside phone numbers. If your cell phone number on file is the curbside phone number you want to use, you do not need to take any further action. We will pre-print both the Chief and Assistant Chief's curbside number; on election day, you can select either number and insert it into your curbside voting sign.

Next, the Chief should contact all election officers. Go over information specific to your precinct and answer any questions your officers may have, especially those serving for the first time.

Lastly, the Chief should contact the polling place. If possible, visit the week before and meet your building contact, inspect the voting room, and verify your voting equipment has arrived.