Now let’s look at the next two sections of the SOR.

PART D: In this section, we want to account for all ballots you received and whether they were used or not. There are two columns - one is for your regular printed ballots and one is for your ExpressVote ballot cards. Let’s start with the printed ballots column and go row-by-row.

  • D1: This is for how many ballots you received before polls open. We know how many ballots we send to each precinct, so the first row will be pre-filled for you.
  • D2: This is ballots received from Electoral Board while polls are open. If the number of voters in your precinct is higher-than-expected, we may send you additional ballots during the day. If so, you would account for it here. In this example, no extra ballots were needed, so they wrote a dash for 0.
  • D3: This is the total ballots received, which is simply the sum of the previous two numbers. In this example, the precinct received 500 ballots before election day and 0 extra ballots during the day, so they received a total of 500 ballots.
  • D4: This is total unused ballots returned. As you can see in the “Calculation or Source” column, you need to add up all ballots you did not use, including unopened packs. Do not open unopened packs of ballots - assume they have 100 ballots. In this example, we can see they likely had 4 packs of 100 unopened ballots, plus an extra 4 ballots left over from the pack they opened, for a total of 404 unused ballots.
  • D5: This is total ballots spoiled and voided. As a reminder, voided ballots are from fleeing voters and spoiled ballots are ballots that needed to be replaced because a voter made a mistake. You should be able to easily count these ballots because you have been putting them in envelope #4 during the day. IMPORTANT: As noted in the red text, do NOT include any absentee ballots surrendered by voters, even though they may be marked “absentee spoiled”.
  • D6: This is the number of ballots used for provisional voters. In this example, we can see they only had 1 provisional voter.
  • D7: This is the total number of unused, spoiled/voided, and provisional ballots, which is the sum of the previous 3 numbers. We had 404 unused ballots, 5 spoiled/voided ballots, and 1 provisional ballot, or a total of 410 in this row.
  • D8: Finally, this is the total number of counted ballots, or D3 minus D7. We can see that we had 500 ballots received in row D3, and 410 ballots accounted for in D7, so this comes out to 90 ballots counted.
  • ExpressVote: We can now look in the ExpressVote column on the right and see the numbers were accounted for in the same way. In this precinct, they received 110 ExpressVote ballot cards and they are returning 100 unused cards, which means they had 10 ExpressVote ballots counted, as you see in the bottom row.

This is a lot of numbers but trust us - it looks harder than it is! And as always, if you need help, please feel free to call the office on election day.

Part E: This is where all election officers present sign to acknowledge they certify the results.

  • Do NOT have your officers pre-sign during the day. We have occasionally received SORs back that have all their officer signatures - but no information completed above! Don’t be that precinct.
  • You’ll notice there is one empty box in this example. That may have been a half-day officer or an officer who had to suddenly leave early. That’s OK - they do not sign the SOR because they are not present in the evening when it is being filled out.