Chief and Assistant Chief Information

Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs work hand-in-hand to manage one of our voting precincts on election day and supervise 5 to 15 election officers, depending on precinct and election size. Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs must complete training and other requirements before each election in which they serve as a Chief or Assistant Chief.


For each election, Chiefs are paid $350, Assistant Chiefs are paid $300, and regular officers are paid $250.

Chiefs also receive an additional stipend of $20 for some required travel ($10 for picking up final supplies on the day before election day and $10 for returning materials on election night).

Party Representation

Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs are assigned from qualified election officers representing the two political parties having the largest number of votes for Governor in the last gubernatorial election. In the Commonwealth of Virginia, this is usually the Republican and Democratic parties.

In general elections, in accordance with the Code of Virginia and Electoral Board policy, Chiefs represent the party of the current sitting Governor and Assistant Chiefs represent the next largest party.

In single-party primary elections, in accordance with the Code of Virginia and Electoral Board policy, the Chief and the Assistant Chief should represent the party conducting the primary, if practicable.

Impartiality and Responsiveness

Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs must demonstrate impartiality in all dealings with voters, election officers, and the Office of Elections.

Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs must respond in a timely manner to all communications from the Office of Elections or election officers before election day.


Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs must both fulfill the same training requirements.

In addition to any regular officer training, Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs must complete a Chiefs Briefing training class the week before each election in which they serve as a Chief or Assistant Chief.

First-time Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs are also required to complete the Chief & Assistant Chief Basics training class before being eligible to serve in these roles for the first time.

Other Requirements

In addition to training, Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs have additional requirements before election day.

Chiefs are also required to:

Assistant Chiefs are also required to:

For questions, contact the Office of Elections at 703-324-4735 or