001. INTRO: November 2020
Welcome to the PPE Specialist online training class!
This class will go over everything you need to know to be a PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Specialist for the November 2020 General and Special Elections.
002. OVERVIEW: Intro
First, we will provide an overview of this class.
003. OVERVIEW: Overview
Review all information in these slides and notes at your own pace.
We will go over a number of topics, including: PPE supplies, what to do before election day, what to do during election day, what to do if someone appears ill, and how to return PPE supplies as part of the closing procedures.
At the end of this training, you must complete a quiz to receive credit.
004. OVERVIEW: Message From the Election Manager
Before we get into our training, here is a message from the Election Manager:
“It is our responsibility to provide each eligible voter in Fairfax County with the opportunity to exercise their right to vote in an efficient and equitable manner. The Fairfax County Electoral Board, the Director of Elections, the hard-working staff in the Office of Elections, and our team of dedicated Election Officers continually strive to provide voters with outstanding customer service, well-run polling places, accurate results, and an excellent voting process. In these difficult times, as we navigate uncharted waters, we will continually strive to maintain these high standards while also implementing a comprehensive plan to protect Election Officers, voters, political observers, county support staff, representatives at our polling place facilities, and any other individuals involved in the election process.
In March 2020, we began working with county staff, health professionals, and the State Department of Elections to enact every feasible contingency measure to combat COVID-19 at our polling places while also maintaining the integrity of the election process. As a result of these actions; detailed training; and successful communication and feedback between our dedicated staff and Election Officers, we were successful in our efforts to maintain the very high standards that Fairfax County residents expect and deserve.
For the November 2020 Presidential Election, we will expand the successful measures that we implemented for the June 2020 Primary Elections, which were well received by more than 95 percent of our Election Officers according to a post-election survey. In addition, we will provide a dedicated PPE Specialist; additional PPE supplies and materials including acrylic sneeze guards for check-in stations, the ballot table, and the Chief’s table; disinfectant/sanitizing wipes; and additional social distancing signs and arrows in an effort to further improve and enhance our Contingency Response Plan for COVID-19.
Although we will do our best to prepare and implement a thorough and comprehensive Contingency Response Plan, issues may arise that we have not foreseen, or you may have questions that we have not answered. In that case, please feel free to contact Election Administration staff at 703-324-4735 with any questions or concerns. We are in this together and I am confident that we will succeed. I welcome your feedback and appreciate your hard work and dedication.”
This message was from our Election Manager, Eric Spicer.
005. OVERVIEW: Measures We Are Taking Before Election Day
What measures are we taking before election day?
006. OVERVIEW: Your Role as PPE Specialist
Thank you for agreeing to be a PPE Specialist! We really appreciate your help serving in this important role.
What are your duties as PPE Specialist?
007. PPE SUPPLIES: Intro
We will now go over the PPE Supplies that we will provide to each precinct.
Each precinct will receive additional resources for this election. Your Chief will pick these up before election day and have them available when you setup the polling place.
Let’s start with the PPE Kit. Each PPE Kit contains:
009. PPE SUPPLIES: Social Distancing Signs and Materials
In addition to the supplies in the PPE Kit, each precinct will receive materials to help enforce Social Distancing, including:
010. PPE SUPPLIES: Acrylic Sneeze Guards
Each precinct will also receive 8 clear Acrylic Sneeze Guards to be placed at the Check-In tables, Ballot Table, Chief’s Table, and other areas. Note that there is a cutout at the bottom to allow voters and officers to easily exchange materials (e.g. voter’s ID, ballots, etc.).
NOTE: The sneeze guards you receive will be completely transparent after you remove the protective cover. However, in this picture, we have added blue tape to the edges of the acrylic sneeze guard so you can see it better.
011. PPE SUPPLIES: Additional Resources for this Election
We’re almost done going over all the additional resources. Finally, you will receive:
We will now go over how to set up your polling place before Election Day.
013. BEFORE ELECTION DAY: Setup Before Election Day
You should coordinate with your Chief and assist in setting up the voting room before election day.
Post Social Distancing signs and markings throughout the voting room. This will give all officers more time on election morning and will be a good opportunity to familiarize yourself with your polling place.
Place an extra table in front of the Check-In Tables, Ballot Table, and Chief’s Table to enforce proper social distancing.
Assemble acrylic sneeze guards before election day.
014. BEFORE ELECTION DAY: Post Social Distancing Signs with County Seal
Let’s start with where to put the signs we reviewed earlier.
We will provide you with two laminated copies of the social distancing signs with the county seal. Post these signs at the entrance to the voting room.
015. BEFORE ELECTION DAY: Post Social Distancing Signs
We will provide you with 6 copies of a yellow 6-foot Social Distancing sign and 6 copies of a blue and white Social Distancing sign. You should post these signs at the following locations:
016. BEFORE ELECTION DAY: Use Round Social Distancing Signs
Lastly, we will provide you with 15 Round Blue Social Distancing Signs to place on the floor in 6-foot intervals. If your voting room is in a school, school staff will provide you with large cones and you should tape the Round Blue Social Distancing Signs to the cones and place them in 6-foot intervals. In other locations you can use blue painter’s tape to tape the signs to the floor.
IMPORTANT: Do not affix the round signs directly to the floor. Tape them to the cones or the floor.
You can use the tape in addition (if necessary) to mark X’s on the floor in 6-foot intervals.
Place Round Signs and/or wide blue “painter’s tape” in 6-foot intervals as follows:
017. BEFORE ELECTION DAY: Use Yellow Arrows to Direct Voters
We will provide you with a sheet of yellow arrows to place on the floor to direct voters.
You can also use the blue painter’s tape in addition to the yellow arrows (if necessary) to mark arrows on the floor to direct voters.
Direct voters into the voting room and through the voting process in a manner that will prevent them from crossing paths. Maintain 6-feet of social distancing.
Place an extra table in front of the following locations to enforce proper social distancing:
019. BEFORE ELECTION DAY: Assemble the Acrylic Sneeze Guards
Each precinct will receive 8 acrylic sneeze guards. They will be packed in cardboard boxes.
Follow the instructions to assemble the acrylic sneeze guards before election day. Save the boxes for re-packing at the end of the day.
IMPORTANT: Wear gloves! The edges of the acrylic sneeze guards can be sharp.
We will now go over what you need to do during the day on Election Day.
021. DURING ELECTION DAY: What to do During the Day
Ensure all individuals are maintaining proper social distancing.
Ensure Election Officers are wearing face coverings and gloves.
Ensure single-use items (pens, privacy folders, and Voter Permit Cards) are not recycled or re-used.
Regularly sanitize voting booths and voting surfaces.
Monitor the stations in the voting room to ensure they are following all proper procedures.
Inform Chief of any issues/problems relating to implementation of the Contingency Response Plan.
022. DURING ELECTION DAY: Social Distancing
Ensure all individuals in the polling place are adhering to social distancing markings and remaining 6-feet apart at all times, even when speaking or interacting with each other.
Ensure the number of voters in the voting room does not impede on anyone’s ability to remain properly socially distanced.
023. DURING ELECTION DAY: Face Coverings and Gloves
Ensure Election Officers are wearing a face mask or a face shield while in the voting room. We encourage all election officers to wear a face mask, if possible. However, if an election officer says they cannot wear a face mask (e.g. for a medical reason), they are permitted to wear a face shield. You should not question someone’s reason for preferring to wear a face shield.
Election Officers may choose to bring and wear their own face covering, but our office will provide enough face masks and face shields for all officers.
Help ensure Election Officers wear face coverings properly (e.g. always covering nose and mouth, not pulled down to talk, etc.).
Ensure Election Officers wear gloves in the voting room when at stations requiring interaction with voters (e.g. at the Check-In Tables and Ballot Table).
024. DURING ELECTION DAY: Voting Room Entrance
Ensure the door to the voting room is propped open, if possible.
Use different doors for voters to enter and exit the voting room, if possible.
025. DURING ELECTION DAY: Contingency Measures at the Check-in Table
026. DURING ELECTION DAY: Contingency Measures at the Ballot Table
027. DURING ELECTION DAY: Contingency Measures at the Voting Booths
028. DURING ELECTION DAY: Contingency Measures at the Voting Machines
029. DURING ELECTION DAY: Hand Sanitizer
030. DURING ELECTION DAY: Other Contingency Measures
031. DURING ELECTION DAY: Curbside Voting
032. DURING ELECTION DAY: Poll Watchers
We will now go over what to do if an individual appears ill.
034. WHAT TO DO IF SOMEONE APPEARS ILL: If a Voter Appears to be Ill
What to do if a voter appears ill:
035. WHAT TO DO IF SOMEONE APPEARS ILL: If an Election Officer Appears to be Ill
What to do if an Election Officer appears ill:
We directed Election Officers to stay home if they are ill or if they have any symptoms, such as a cough, even if they are only suffering from seasonal allergies.
If an Election Officer shows symptoms of illness at any time during the day, let the Chief know. The Chief will call Election Administration staff at 703-324-4735, then ask the Election Officer to leave.
036. WHAT TO DO IF SOMEONE APPEARS ILL: If a Poll Watcher Appears to be Ill
What to do if a poll watcher appears ill:
We will now go over end-of day procedures and PPE supply return.
038. RETURNING PPE SUPPLIES: Returning and Disposing of PPE Supplies
Use the last page of the Contingency Response Plan for Polling Place Operations During COVID-19 in determining which supplies to return and which supplies to discard.
In general, you will RETURN the following supplies:
In general, you will DISCARD the following supplies:
039. CONCLUSION: Intro
We are almost done with this training!
040. CONCLUSION: Important Reminders from Contingency Response Plan
Here are some important reminders from the Contingency Response Plan for Polling Place Operations During COVID-19:
Congratulations! You have now completed this online class.
To receive credit for this class, you must still take and pass the quiz. You can find the quiz in the Election Officer Portal. Go to the Training tab, scroll down, and look in the bottom-right for a link labeled “Quiz”. If you do not pass the quiz the first time, you can take it again until you pass. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to call or email us.
This class is now complete. Thank you and have a great election day!