The Morning Of

Now it’s election morning. What do you need to do?

  1. Swear in officers at 5:00 AM. Don’t wait for late officers; you can swear them in when they arrive. The important part is to swear in the officers who are present, so you can get started. If you have High School Pages in a November election, you should swear them in as well.
  2. Delegate tasks and work in parallel. Split up tasks among your officers and have them get started. Put your best officers on the most important tasks, including setting up the Poll Pads, setting up the DS200 scanners, and opening the ballots. Some Chiefs ask their officers what their strengths are, and what they may want more practice with before election day. This can help you make a plan for the day!
  3. Open polls promptly at 6:00 AM. You must open the polls on time, even if you haven’t finished lower-priority tasks like putting up signs.