Slide 4

This is a summary of the roles performed by the different election officers assigned to your precinct:

  • ASSISTANT CHIEF: Works with the Chief to help manage the polling place and supervise officers. Should be able to assume any Chief responsibilities as necessary.
  • SDR SPECIALIST: Works with Chief to process voters who are eligible to register to vote and cast a provisional ballot on election day.
  • COLLECTOR OFFICERS: Perform regular election officer duties throughout the day. After polls close at 7:00 PM, drive DS200 flash drives and absentee ballots to elections office and do not return to polling place.
  • LANGUAGE OFFICER: Perform regular election officer duties throughout the day, but can assist voters who primarily speak a language other than English. Wear special name badge to identify them as a language officer.

  • ELECTION OFFICERS: Check in voters and direct voters to mark and cast ballots during voting hours. Help with pre-election setup & closing polls.

You can review the Election Officers Basics class and the Chief’s Notebook for a more expansive description.