Let’s go over some people who may be at your polling place:
ROVERS: Rovers are Office of Elections staff who visit and assist 10-12 polling places on election day. They may help with polling place or voting equipment issues. For non-routine voter or provisional issues, you should always call the main office for help.
NEWS MEDIA & INTERVIEWS: Remind your officers that they should call you if someone wants to do an interview. You may provide basic facts (e.g. number of voters checked in), but do not give opinions or forecasts. For anything further, call the Office of Elections.
INSIDE – AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES: Representatives of a party or of a candidate who must submit a signed, hard copy authorization form to the Chief. Authorized Representatives are allowed anywhere inside a polling place as long as they don’t impede voters or touch voting equipment. Authorized Representatives may stay and observe closing procedures; but if they do, they cannot leave the room or report results early.
OUTSIDE – CAMPAIGNERS, BAKE SALES, ETC.: Remember, state law does not permit loitering, congregating, or electioneering within 40 feet of a polling place entrance (i.e. the building entrance, NOT the voting room entrance). This means restricted activities like campaigning, handing out flyers, and bake sales must stay outside of the 40-foot Prohibited Area. You will receive a kit with a 40-foot rope, chalk, and tape to help you measure and mark your Prohibited Area. Check periodically throughout election day to make sure no one moves closer.