Slide 20
Some voters may need help to vote.
- A voter may have someone assist them in the voting booth with reading, translating, or marking the ballot.
- Almost anyone may assist a voter, including a friend, family member, or even an election officer. There are only 4 people who may not assist a voter: a candidate, an authorized representative, the voter’s boss, or the voter’s union representative.
- Before a voter is assisted, the voter and their assistant must both sign the Request for Assistance form.
Two important notes:
- If the assistant chosen by the voter is age 15 or younger, such as their child, neither the voter nor the assistant is required to complete the form.
- If an election officer is asked to translate the ballot as the assistant, notify Authorized Representatives who may choose to observe.
How do you process an assisted voter?
- Ask the voter and their assistant to complete the Request for Assistance form.
- On the Poll Pad, select the Assisted flag.