Same Day Registration allows voters who either are not registered or who did not update their registration to do a same day registration. Part of the SDR process involves using the Moving Conditions. Same day registration is a provisional process. The SDR voter must vote a provisional ballot which is not cast on the DS200 scanner. The voter will be provided an SDR provisional envelope, on which is a Virginia Voter Registration Application , which the voter fills out. If their registration is accepted and successfully processed, only then is their provisional ballot considered by the Electoral Board.
WHO: Voter not registered or registration not up to date.
WHERE: Voter must be present at the precinct for address where the voter currently resides.
HOW: Voter completes Voter Registration Application on the front side of the provisional envelope, then casts a provisional ballot. Follow procedure outlined in Chiefs Notebook.
Every precinct will have an SDR Specialist to help with this process. All Chiefs and SDR Specialists are required to complete the SDR Basics online training class with more info.