During the day, election officers may rotate among 5 main duties.
VOTER INFORMATION OFFICER : This officer is stationed near the voting room entrance. They greet voters and confirm they are in the right polling place, remind voters to have their photo ID out and ready, and direct voters to review the sample ballot before checking-in. This person should also answer any voter questions before they get to the check-in table.
POLLBOOK OFFICERS : These officers are stationed at the check-in tables and check-in voters on the Poll Pads. There is usually one Pollbook Officer per Poll Pad.
BALLOT OFFICER : After a voter is checked-in, they move to the Ballot Table, where a Ballot Officer issues them a ballot in a privacy folder and provides instructions on how to mark the ballot.
VOTING BOOTH OFFICER : This officer stands near the voting booths and directs voters to an open voting booth. If a voter has questions as they mark their ballot, they may ask this officer.
VOTING MACHINE OFFICER : This officer guides the voter in casting their ballot and ensures the DS200 has accepted the ballot before the voter leaves. They stand at least 5 feet away from the scanner at all times for the privacy of voters. They also maintain the line and may offer an "I Voted" sticker to voters after they cast their ballot.